I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. In 2014 I decided to migrate west to San Diego, CA. I had recently graduated from the University of Colorado and I was on the hunt for nicer weather, a healthier lifestyle, and to define my life.

Shortly before the big move, I had decided to prioritize my health and commitment to getting in shape. I had recently lost 20 pounds and was determined to not lose momentum. Once settled, I decided to try a Yoga Sculpt class at a nearby studio in Pacific Beach. I was instantly hooked on the workout and it wasn’t long before something started to shift in my overall character and mindset as well.

I decided to enroll in Teacher Training with the intention of learning more about my new found love of yoga. I quickly knew I wanted to teach and share the transformational power of the practice with others. I went ALL IN on my teaching and my practice. I quickly moved up the ladder at my studio into management and quit my day job.

I was teaching and taking classes full-time. There was something so powerful about the energy in the studio that resulted in a complete shift in my life’s plan. I quickly went from graduating business school with the intention of getting my Realtors license to a full-time stretchy pants wearing yogi trying to make ends meet.

I loved my studio, but I felt something was missing. I started conceptualizing a way to harness and amplify the powerful energy that was being manifested in every class. I had recently taken a few cycling and bootcamp group fitness classes at other studios that were revolutionizing the fitness industry by incorporating state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems to make for a fully experiential workout experience. I saw a huge opportunity for the yoga community.

I immediately started researching and drafting a business plan for a fully experiential, strength and mindfulness focused studio. Fast forward to 2019, when after meeting my business partner and Yoga Box co-founder, Billy Canu who shared the same vision, this dream was quickly put into motion.

Yoga Box is not just your average yoga studio, Yoga Box is a place where yoga practitioners alike can come, immerse themselves in the experience, define their unique practice and elevate their state.